Wedding Day Bliss

Wedding Day Bliss

Monday, March 21, 2011

A little TMI?

A few things about the last few days...
Just a heads up that some of it is very "graphic"...

-I feel like Max is coming soon. I'm not exactly sure why but I just have this gut feeling that he/she is not going to wait much longer (so in reality he/she will probably come 2 weeks late and make this Momma look like a fool) :)
-My feet (the right in particular) have been swelling and the top gets tingly when it gets really fat.
-I cleaned/organized like a mad woman this weekend (I still have a ton to do) and people are saying it's "nesting" but I think it really just needed to get done.
-I had a sore throat all weekend and was pretty run down so I'm either getting sick or my body is telling me to slow down?
-I had this weird urge to paint my I did...bright pink! :)
- I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions quite regularly and to me they just feel like period cramps...which I can totally handle. I asked Dr. K how I would know when they became real and he kind of chuckled and said, "when you can't talk you know they are real".

Hmmm...well I think that's all for tonight. Max and I have our week 37 appointment tomorrow (did I tell you that Dr. K is out of town skiing right now?) so I'll post pictures and do an update sometime soon. :)

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