Wedding Day Bliss

Wedding Day Bliss

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Million + 1 Thanks

Where do I even start?
This has by far been the hardest two weeks in my entire life and somehow I am still smiling between the tears. And ya know why? Because Kevin and I have the best family and friends in the entire world!

I've thought about how I would tell everyone thanks and what I would write on my "Thank You Blog" but each time I write something down it doesn't seem substantial enough. I honestly believe that I would not have made it this far without all of your support and prayers.

And you know one of the things I've learned from this time: There really are GOOD people in the world. People who give without getting and people who support and encourage even though they are struggling with their own issues.

I'm not sure I will ever find the exact words I want to say but just know that we appreciate everything you have done for us and all the love you have shown to us. We are better people because of you and we love you all very much. So to our families and to our friends, both the ones we already have and to those we have never met, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Kelci and Kevin

Saturday, May 28, 2011

What Do Babies Wear to Heaven?

Our amazing little Maxton is already there I'm sure. So why then do I keep asking myself this same question. Somehow nothing seems right. I want him to be comfy and snuggly like he was when he slept with his Mommy and Daddy. But at the same time I want him to be dressed up because he looked so darn cute in his little suit. Hmm... and why is this the question that seems to keep popping into my head? Maybe it's because this question has logical answers where as all of the other questions have answers that are hard to wrap my mind around. I know the hard ones will never really be explained and I think I've come to terms with that. I'm going to be honest in saying that it's taken over a week to attain this mentality but I know I can't spend the rest of my life saying why and what if. So for tonight I'll stick with the easy one...snuggly or handsome...or maybe something in between? :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Max Update: Can you believe our "avocado" will be 7 weeks old tomorrow?

Hey everyone! I'm very sorry that I haven't been blogging lately. For you see I have a very good reason...Mr. Maxton, the most handsome boy in the world, is super spoiled. I hold him 24/7, sleep with him, and rock him while he eats. Only the best for my little turtle. :) We go on walks, love taking baths, and comb what little hair he has at least 3 times a day. He seems to keep me on my toes at all times and I love it! What a good baby this lucky Momma has!

He is going to hate me for this later but I couldn't help it!

Momma's Mad Major Hunk!

Maxton's first drive-in movie. He shared a funnel cake and popcorn with his Daddy and Mommy!

Our sweet little sleeper...I wonder what he is dreaming about? :)

Unfortunately, I now have some free time on my hands. So I'm going to use this time to ask for your help.

Yesterday, our beautiful baby stopped breathing while at the sitter. He was lifeless when the EMTs arrived but they were able to resuscitate him. It is unknown at this time how long he was without oxygen (the best guess is about 20 minutes)or the cause. We are now at the hospital (surrounded by our amazing family and friends) playing the waiting game. There have been a few changes over the last 24 hours, some bad and others optimistic. Kevin and I know that Max is a fighter and will have a long road ahead of him but that God gave him back to us for a reason!
The doctor's and nurses here are fantastic and have been very open with us the whole time. Their suggestion is to prepare for the worst but hope for the best. We are taking that idea and re-arranging it to fit our situation. I will say that I have had my "downer" moments. The science behind it says that Baby Max should not be here right now but I happen to have a family friend named Brad that says science isn't everything! His story is what I am holding on to right now...God makes miracles happen!

So here is where we need your help...Prayers, Prayers, and more Prayers! We know that many of you have already spent the last 24 hours in constant prayer but the more people we can get on board the better. So tell your families, your friends, and your neighbors about our amazing little man and his condition. We truly believe that God will hear all of the prayers and help Mr. Maxton!

Love from us all,
Kelci, Kevin, and Maxton Foster