Wedding Day Bliss

Wedding Day Bliss

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Well that was easy...

A month ago when Max and I had our appointment with Dr. K (OB/GYN) I was told I needed to gain weight. At 6 months I was still down from my pre-pregnancy weight by about 3 lbs. I obviously wasn't trying to lose weight but the foods I was used to eating (doughnuts, ice cream, cookies) just didn't sound very tempting. So I was eating but in a healthier way...hence the weight loss. So Dr. K told me it was my "goal" to gain weight this month...and boy was that easy! I ate EVERYTHING in sight! I had an excuse to pig out over Christmas and New Years. I devoured pizza, pasta, salad, and more pizza. Kevin and my friend Heather also took this as a challenge to themselves and often times I found extra piles of food on my plate. I guess that's what friends are for! :)

And the outcome you ask?

Drum roll please........... SIX whole pounds!
I've passed my pre-pregnancy weight and Dr.K was happy!

Just let it be known that I see this "goal" set before me as being a terrible thing now. :) I've become used to seeing food and eating it and am a bit worried my habits are set. I guess I'll just have to make a more conscious effort this coming month to continue eating but in a healthier style! You hear that Heather...I don't want your fries finding their way to my plate anymore!
And for any of you who would like to guess Max's sex based on heart rate it was 150 BPM. I would love to know your "expert" opinions! :)

Here are pictures of the Max bump at 27 weeks. My belly has been pretty itchy and I try to put lotion on it constantly but I guess I was slacking here as you can see my scratch marks. :)

1 comment:

  1. You look adorable dear! :) Glad your appt went well and that baby Max is doing good too!
    My guess is still a boy, but I can't tell if you are carrying high or low. And Lyla's hb was always in the 130's so she was off for the old wives I guess I'll go with the chinese people! :) Love you!
