Wedding Day Bliss

Wedding Day Bliss

Monday, December 6, 2010

Blog Slacker

Yep that's what I am!

We had a weekend to stay at home and do a whole lot of nothing so that's what I did...well besides the laundry, sweeping, heavy cleaning, etc. :) We watched a few movies (my suggestion is to skip Eat,Pray,Love- it was cute but lasts way too long), and a few shows, and I went shopping. I'm almost/kinda/sorta done shopping except for 3 and 1/2 people. And these people are {HARD} to shop for. I want to find the perfect gift but just can't seem to pinpoint it.

Sunday we watched the Steelers game at home with friends! Woo Hoo! No crappy food from Brooklyn's! The game was another exciting one and the stress made Max a bit jumpy! :) I think he/she takes after it's Daddy already! He/She might be born with a Steelers birthmark.

Max is now a PAPAYA! That's what he/she will stay for the next 2 weeks. It's face is fully formed and it's ears are working pretty well. Let's hope that Max is a fan of Christmas music because it's Mommy sure is! :) Oh and I was in the bathtub on Saturday for a little soak and I saw my stomach move for the first time! AAAGGGHHH! Talk about a weird sight! That's my little Max in there! Awesome!
The following photos are from week 21 and 4 days. I haven't had anybody ask when I was due so that makes me wonder if people just think I'm a bit pudgy?!? Ha I love it!

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